If this is a life-threatening emergency please call 911.
Protecting you and your property is of utmost importance to the residents of Point Venture. The POA contracts with the Travis County Sheriff's Office and employs Courtesy Guards to oversee your neighborhood as needed.
Point Venture Police - Travis County Sheriff's Office (TCSO)
Travis County Sherriff’s Deputies (TCSO) patrol Point Venture and respond to 911 calls in Point Venture.
Besides the county patrol, the same deputies patrol as contractors for the Village of Point Venture.
While on Village time, their primary duties are:
Deter criminal behavior
Provide a law enforcement presence in the village
Stop reckless driving
Provide added layer of security for homeowners
This added presence allows Point Venture residents and guests to enjoy their private amenities, providing an added sense of safety and protection.
Point Venture POA Courtesy Guards
Courtesy Guards are POA employees.
They are NOT law enforcement officers.
Courtesy guards’ primary responsibilities are:
Monitor and patrol POA property in person or through camera system
Keep unwanted and uninvited guests from POA property
Patrol/man the Park entrance and Pool entrance during summer months
Aid Travis County Sheriff Deputies as needed
Open Clubroom for scheduled events, if needed
Patrol the Marina
Patrol and secure POA buildings and property
POA Courtesy Guards are NOT allowed on YOUR private property. They cannot make a report to the Sherriff for a property owner.
SPRING/SUMMER HOURS: Effective from Spring Break through Labor Day, Thanksgiving weekend, and during Winter break. HOURS ON DUTY: Sunday – Saturday 2:00 PM – 10:00 PM
FALL/WINTER HOURS: Effective from Labor Day through Spring Break. HOURS ON DUTY: Tuesday - Sunday 2:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Call Courtesy Guard cell phone (512) 422-2070 if you need assistance or to report issues on POA Property.