The Village of Point Venture has passed various ordinances that are in effect in addition to Point Venture Property Owners Association (PVPOA) rules.
Point Venture amenities are private and for the exclusive use of property owners (in good standing), renters and invited guests.
Prohibiting of Non-Approved Use of Non-Association Programs, Lessons, Rentals and Activities on Point Venture POA property: Point Venture POA Amenities (excluding the rental of Clubroom) may not be used to provide, conduct, or solicit any activity, program, or other event for profit, financial gain, commercial use of otherwise by any business or person. This does not include EBR's (Established business relationships such as marina restaurant/ship store, Liquid Thrillz and food truck) conducting business on PVPOA property. Members found to be using the PVPOA amenities in the above manner are subject to immediate disciplinary action including, but not limited to suspension or permanent expulsion from utilizing the PVPOA amenities.
It is expected that all residents and guests will demonstrate reasonable behavior and consideration of others. Any unruly and/or disruptive behavior, the use of profane language or behavior deemed abusive, or unreasonable (using the reasonable man theory), may result in the removal of ANY individual(s) from the POA properties (aka common areas) at any time. The duration of being removed from the common areas may be deemed permanent in some instances.
Bicycles, skateboards, roller skates or roller blades are not allowed on the sidewalks around the office area. Bicycles are not allowed on the grass areas around the office area. THIS IS FOR THE SAFETY OF EVERYONE. PLEASE INSTRUCT YOUR CHILDREN.
No parking of vehicles on grass areas (POA Property), except in the Park.
Large trucks, semi, etc. may not be parked overnight at Point Venture. Please use the "Overflow Parking".
Overflow Parking: Temporary (7 days or less) overflow parking is available at the POA office upper parking lot. Please be sure to contact the POA office (512) 267-1128 ext. 1 and/or leave a message outside of normal business hours, with the following information:
* Owner contact information, type of vehicle, license plate #, and dates in which the vehicle will be parked on the lot.
For more information, contact the POA Office at (512) 267-1128.